7 Surprising Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather is no joke. While the snow and sleet tend to avoid Georgia, we still get cold and freezing rain. And we are not immune from the occasional snowstorm, which makes safety more important. Learn about some simple winter safety tips to help protect your home and family all season long.
1. Protect those Pipes
The pipes and vents that move water and air throughout our homes provide the foundation of our winter warmth. Many homeowners understand the importance of keeping the furnace and hot water heater insulated but fail to take the same action to protect pipes as well.
Along those lines, if you use an irrigation system to keep your lawn green during the summer, then consider draining it during the winter. As temperatures drop and near freezing, then any frozen water in the irrigation system will freeze. Since water expands when frozen, then it may create some small fractures (or worse and burst the pipes!).
2. Keep the Water Flowing
As we all know, water is a vital substance. Many people keep bottled water around the house for emergencies, but it is equally important to keep the water flowing. If any potential snowstorms or sustained freezing temperatures, then ensuring the toilets continue to flow will be a great relief.
3. Prepare Emergency Kits
Storms hit the Southern states all the time. Mother Nature presents dangers throughout the year, so we should not be surprised that home emergency kits are important safety measures. However, with freezing temperatures, then we should also consider adding a few things to our cars because accidents happen.
The basic car kit includes:
- Blanket and/or Sleeping Bag
- Flashlight with Extra Batteries
- Flares and/or Reflective Triangles
- First Aid Kit
- Extra winter clothes (hats, scarfs, gloves)
- Non-Perishable Snacks (granola bars) and Bottled Water
4. Secure Your Locks
Freezing temperatures present their own problems. First and foremost, nobody wants to be outside. Frequently, our car doors can freeze, which means we are forced to pull and tug to get into our cars. If you are struggling to get into your car, then here are a few simple, yet effective, tips.
- Apply cooking spray on your car doors. Simply spray the rubber edges of your car doors to prevent them from freezing shut. Apply and rub down with a paper towel to avoid a mess.
- If the lock is frozen, then use hand sanitizer because the alcohol will break down the ice.
5. De-Ice or Pay the Price
Winter weather also brings some frost and frozen windshields. For those that find themselves without a standard brush and ice pick, there are solutions. Simply use a credit card to remove the ice if you are in a pinch.
6. Safe Not Slippery
Additionally, if you find some frozen walkways near your home, then apply some ice melt solution to help break down the slippery surfaces. If you find yourself in a jam, then here is a simple DIY de-ice solution. As the experts advise:
"Spray an ice repellent solution on steps and walks before freezing weather arrives"
7. Reverse Ceiling Fans
You may be surprised to learn that ceiling fans are great during the winter. Fans simply move air around the house and typically create airflow to cool the house.
When the fan is in the reverse position, then it will produce an updraft that pushes the hot air down from the ceiling. With more hot air in the living space, then you might be able to turn down the thermostat as well.
Cold weather is bad enough, we don't need to prolong the agony and live in additional discomfort. Unfortunately, there are no silver bullets that will magically make the sun come out and play, but there are a few ways to remain safe and sound. At Snappy Electric, Plumbing, Heating, & Air, we are here to help homeowners solve their problems. If you have any questions about how the weather (whether hot or cold) impacts your home, then remember that we are here to help.