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7 Simple Steps to Create a Green Home

7 Simple Steps to Create a Green Home

As the weather starts to warm up, we venture outside and start to enjoy our surrounding environment. It also coincides with Earth Day. And Earth Day provides an opportunity for us to think about how our actions impact the environment. So, many communities look to recognize Earth Day through acts of conservation and group activities like cleaning parks. However, there are also some simple solutions to create a green home.

1. Install LED Lighting

Installing LED bulbs and other LED lighting reduces home energy consumption.

Plus, not only do LED bulbs lead to monthly energy savings, but there are also a variety of local rebates and other ways to finance LED lighting projects.

Every little bit helps and if more home leverage the benefits of LED light bulbs and lighting, then there is the potential to have a large impact on energy savings around the country.

2. Plant a Tree

Planting trees is one of the staple Earth Day celebrations.


Trees help combat climate change and absorb excess CO2 in the air, which is harmful to our health.

Particularly in the Greater Atlanta area, where air quality issues can really impact our comfort during the summer months, planting a few trees is a great way to help the environment and recycle stale air to help improve our air quality.

The trees help provide clean air through absorbing odors and pollutant gases.

3. Home Energy Checkups

Many people believe the benefits relate solely to lower monthly utility costs, but the reduction in energy usage also helps create a green home that helps the environment as well.


Home energy checkups provide homeowners with a comprehensive assessment of how energy is used throughout the home.

By understanding where air leaks through windows or walls, homeowners can seal these spaces and cut down on the waste.

At Snappy, we are a certified home energy expert.

4. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaners

We all want a clean home. As they say "cleanliness is next to godliness" but many of the standard home cleaning products and solutions may cause health problems and pollute the environment.

Eco-friendly (or non-toxic) cleaning products do not harm the environment or potentially cause health problems because they lack the chemicals that are at the root of the concerns.

There are plenty of non-toxic or biodegradable products available at the local store or some people may want to make their own solutions.

For example, baking soda is a great (and affordable) all-purpose solution for cleaning, scouring and polishing items around the house.

5. Find a Natural Bug Repellant

Nobody wants bugs and other pests around the house.

However, similar to cleaning solutions, many of the consumer products that help pest control and filled with chemicals. If pests are an issues, then consider a natural buy spray remedy.

Or, like many things, prevention is the best method and pest control is no different. A real estate expert explains how to prevent pests from getting out of control:

"Keeping your kitchen crumb-free and sealing any holes in the walls or cracks in the foundation means you won't have to use harmful chemicals in your home."

6. Remember That Tote Bag

Many people want to use a tote bag more often, but typically run into a simple problem...we forget to bring it with us.

To help reduce the use of plastic and paper bags, then try find a couple of reusable shopping bags that can fold and fit in day-to-day bag.

For the commuters living in suburbia, keep a few tote bags in the trunk. As a result, you'll be prepared for the next trip to the store.

For any city dwellers, this is a nice compromise for those impromptu trips to the store on the way home from work. Plus, the shopping bag can fit into your work bag.

7. Fix Leaky Faucets and Toilets

To help create a green home, stay on top of any leaks and stop them when they start. A key indication of water leaks is a jump or spike in the monthly water bill, which means reducing leaks will save some water and money.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency:

"10% of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day, and the average household's leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year."

Yes, leaky toilets and faucets waste a lot of water.

If you notice a leak and do not know how to fix it yourself, then call a trusted plumber to assess and address the issue. Untreated leaks can create huge problems down the line. Why? Water damage causes issues with mold, mildew or the need to replace walls and cabinets.

Our environment starts at home.

During April and Earth Day events, we appreciate the effort to clean parks and improve the feel of our neighborhoods.

At Snappy, we preach the benefits of preventative maintenance to keep our homes in high quality working condition. All of our actions make a difference. For example, things like understanding how air flows through our home or knowing that recycling helps improve our water quality matter.

If there are any questions on how to improve your home systems to help the environment, give us a call today!